Friday, January 28, 2011

Change - For Better or Worse? - Part One

Walking by Roger Video the other day, and was stop dead by the sign in the window. It said "Closing - up to 75% off"!!!!!!!

My first reaction was "sadness", not so much this location is closing, but it seems like another thing that I grew up with is disappearing. Cassette tapes, vinyl records, Playboy magazine, and soon my beloved corner video store would be a thing of the past.

The day I give up on life would be the day they stop printing books, because the feel of a book in my hands is like hugging my friend. Where reading from a machine makes me feels like I am talking to a blowup doll.

I looked at the sign, had a moment of silence, and my second reaction kicked in. A sale!! 75% off!! I was in the store faster than you can say Mississippi!! Once in the door, I asked the beautiful clerk "what happened?". Apparently Netfick bought Roger Video and some locations are closing down. I guess downloading is in and DVDs are out, dam it!!

I guess things change, and things move forward, and life goes on, but is it for the better?

After I read a book, I can close my eyes and remember it's cover, the feel of the book in my hands, the smell of the pages, and most of all, that one book is mine, all mine!!

What do I get from a Kindle?? Well, when I close my eyes, I can remember a picture on a flat screen, the feel of plastic and metal, the smell of plastic and metal, and most of all, I don't own a book, I just have a copy of a book in my hard drive.

In our throw away society, I don't even have to throw away the book, I just need to press a button and it will be deleted. I care and I love my books, but why would I care about 38KB on my Kindle??

Here ends Part One, and I hope you enjoyed the pictures of my beloved library, 1500 books and counting!!!

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