Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Psych - edelic

I worked on "Psych" this past Mon., and thank god it is over!! It was a good long day, but the weather was miserable!! Started at 6AM and finished around 9PM, and it was raining the whole time. I had my long johns on, and 2 pairs of socks under my layers of clothing, but both my socks were soaked through, because it was so wet. My long johns  and my jeans were both soaked up to my knees, and my jacket was completely soaked too. Thank god, they let us used our umbrellas, or I would be sick again!! For the whole day I turned on the BAG power full blast to ward off the Cold and Wet monstrosity, and B.A.G. was at peace with the warmth within our body. Too bad, BILL is freezing his BUTT off and wet like a drowning duck, ha!! Ha!! Enough about my bodily suffering, because my spirit was bright and cheerful, and I am happy to be healthy and alive.

Onto something more cheerful!! One bright spot on "Psych" was seeing and working with my friend Leo Li Chiang!! All die hard fans should know him as the tattooed pilot on "Battlestar Galactica"!! We caught up on old times and he gave me advice on being the best B.A.G. ever, ha!! Ha!! I like to thank him for keeping me awake during those long hours on set and blocking most of the rain with his gigantic body.   

When we were in the tent, Leo sat on my right hand side and the lovely Michele, who I have known for years sat on my left. Michele is one of my best friend that I've met on set, and we had worked on "Dead Like Me", both "Fantastic 4" movies, and a whole lot more. Michele also kept me happy and warm, so I like to send her a big hug from B.A.G.!!!

BAGlellujah!!! I will be working on "This Means War" for the next three nights, it is going to be cold, but B.A.G. will be ready!! Mostly Asian in the scene, so I will see lots of my friends, yippee!! Hopefully I will see Chris Pine, Tom Hardy, and Reese Witherspoon, so wish me luck on set!! I hate night shoots, because it just turns my whole life around, but for my daughter's new laptop, B.A.G. will work nights!! I will let you guys know if anything interesting happened on set, maybe they will need a body double to kiss Reese Witherspoon, ha!! Ha!!

                            Hey, is that B.A.G. on "Psych"??

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Justin Beaver

I am sick, I have a headache, I have a stuffy nose, and my whole body ached all over!! Basically, I am not in a very good mood!! I am sleeping a lot, and I have been walking around in the same t-shirt and same track pants for the past two days!! Watching TV, reading, and writing is my pastime, which I can't complain about, because that is what I usually love to do anyways.

What I can complain about is being imprisoned in my own house!! I need to go out to see my friends, I need BAGminton, I need to window shop, I need to drive my car, I need to work, I need to go to the gym, and I need lunch with live people, not with stuff animals!!

Oh, did I just wrote eating with stuff animals? Well, I do have two stuffy friends, you got a problem with that????? One is called "Poopee",  the other one is called "Hutchew", and they are my friends when my wife and daughter are too busy to be with me. Hey, I don't have any animals or plants, so stuffy animals it is! At least I don't have to clean up after them, or water them! I think everybody should have a friend, either it is a rock, a paper clip, or a shoe, because we all need a friend to share our shit with.

I am reading "The Reality Dysfunction - Part 1: Emergence" by Peter F. Hamilton,

and "Nightchild", 3rd book in the "Chronicles of the Raven" by James Barclay.

While I was sick, my daughter left me alone to see the Justin Beaver concert!! I am not making fun of his name, because for the longest time,  I thought that was his name. I heard his songs, his name on the radio, but I always thought his name was Justin Beaver!! Until one day when my daughter said to me "Dad, his name is Bieber not Beaver!! You are such a dumb, dumb!!".

Now that I know his name, I still don't understand his popularity. He is cute looking now, but just wait till he is older!! His voice is cute now, just wait till his voice really changes!!  I guess that is why they are called teen idol, because when they grow up, most of them just disappear. Have you guys listened to his lyrics? He talks about love, I want to be with you forever, You are the only girl for me, I better stop, because I am getting nauseated.

What do a 14 years old boy know about love? Why would a 14 years old boy want to be with the same girl forever? Why would my daughter or any other girl be his only girl at 14? At 14, I just lust for girls, I don't even know how to spell the work love. At 14, I want to be with every girl that moved, and why would I want to be with the same girl forever? At 14, every girl is my only girl, because at 14, I have no long term memories.

Oh well, we are all crazy when we were young!! Just as long as we grow out of it and grow up to be a grumpy old BAG like me, than life is good, really good, ha!! Ha!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2

Two long days on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2", yipee!!!!!! What can I tell you guys about the show? Nothing!!! I am not suppose to say anything, because I am a professional! I mean, if somebody offers me a million dollars, I might consider indirectly leaking out a few details, but I am still waiting for that day.

Mainly, I read for the whole two days!! I finished "Bloodsucking Fiends" by Christopher Moore on the first day, and I finished the second half of "The Ice limit" by Preston & Child on the second day.

"Bloodsucking Fiends" is a humorous vampire love story that I have to read for my book club this month, and over all, it was a pretty good read. My first time reading "Christopher Moore" and what stands out for me, was his humor. Although, I prefer to read Fantasy and SF, I have to say the book was very entertaining. I never liked the whole Vampire theme that is so popular nowadays, because that sucking and daylight thing is kind of boring and old to me. Mr. Moore's take on vampire is different, so I gave the book a chance, and it turned out to be some what enjoyable. One thing I do not like about Mr. Moore is his way of writing off topic just to get something he thinks is funny on paper. He is on topic, and suddenly he is talking about a game show on TV. The bit was funny, but what the hell does it got to do with the story? Will I read Mr. Moore again? Maybe not! I did liked the book, so I am giving "Bloodsucking Fiends" a 7 BAG out of 10!!!

"The Ice Limit" is about some people going after a meteorite and bad things starts to happen. Here are some reviews of the book; "An ultra action-packed adventure that will thrill with its nonstop action." Midwest Book Review, "When it comes to nail-biting, two-in-the-morning, page-turning thrillers, nobody delivers the goods like these guys." Nelson DeMille. Nonstop action my ass!! Please tell me where the nail-biting parts are? Nothing happens for the first 250 pages, and the book is only 491 pages!!! Page-turning thriller? I guess you have to turn the pages very fast to get to the exciting parts. I am all about content baby, nothing but content, so don't give me stuffing that bulk up the page count, I need content!! The book did pick up the pace for the 2nd half, but it is not the fighting, chasing, killing kind of pace that I like, It is the things are happening and we have to end the book pace. There were some suspense at the end, but what happened to the first 250 pages? I hate books or movies that build up a story to a climax and then end it with an open-ended question. Will I read Preston & Child again? Maybe! The book was o.k., so I am giving "The Ice Limit" a 6 BAG out of 10!!!

There were 400 extras on the first day, and that is what we call a "Cattle Call" in the film business world. Then on the second day, the number of extras were reduced to 150, because they were only filming close ups. As a professional background performer, it is my job to hide in a big scene like this, because if I am seen or what the film industry call "Featured", they won't use me again. Can you imagine seeing me in five different scenes in the same movie? Ha! Ha! So, that is what I did for two days, hiding!! I was sitting in the back or to the side, hiding my face and my balding head as much as possible.

I was expecting a BAG lunch, but they actually feed everybody a hot meal!! The crafty table was pretty good too, so a thumbs up for the food on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2"!!!!!

I do not talk much, so it is easy for me to keep my mouth shut on set. For some people, that is another story!! When there are 400 people, even whispering is very loud, so we were told continually to keep quiet. Some people just could not shut up!! On one hand, there are the loud obnoxious young kids that thinks whatever they say are funny, and on the other hand, older people that thinks "shut up" doesn't apply to them. Oh well, it is not my job to keep the cattle quiet, so I better get back to my book.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day Off

                                    What movie am I in???

Working on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2" tomorrow, yipee!!!!! Tell you all about it after work!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Art of Giving Thanks

It's Thanksgiving, what should I write about?? Well, it got to be something happy, definitely I am not going to write about turkeys!!

I think I am going to talk about the Art of Giving Thanks. At most Thanksgiving table, people are giving thanks to God for the food that is on the table, and for the food they are about to receive.  That is good, because at least they are thanking somebody, before they tear into that defenseless turkey.

I always thought the farmers, the grocers, the butchers, the cashiers, the gas attendants, the police, ...... and most of all mom and dad should get some credit for the food being on the table, don't you?? I know God created food for us, but there are a lot of middlemen in between creation and the table. Who pay for the food? Who drove the food home? Who cleaned, cut, chopped, peeled, .... and cooked the food? Who set the table and served the food?

Therefore, next time any thanks are given, a small thanks to all the middlemen, like mom and dad would be nice.

For you kids out there, or maybe some adults!! Giving thanks or simply saying "thank you" is not enough. Just saying "thank you" without feelings behind the words, is like giving a tie to your dad as a birthday present every year. Both the "thank you " and the tie are meaningless, because if it is not from the heart, it is only a gesture. Doing, saying, and giving with meaning, feeling and heart is the true Art of Giving Thanks!!

I like to give thanks to Korean, Chinese, and Japanese cooperation on the set of, "The L Word", and I mean it from the bottom of my heart!!

 Happy Thanksgiving!!! 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

No turkey for me please!!!!!!!!!

It is that time of the year again, "Thanksgiving"!! It is when my seasonal recurring nightmare starts!!
When I was 13 years old, my whole family went to San Francisco for five days, and guess what, it was "Thanksgiving" weekend. I am Chinese, new to Canada, so my family don't really celebrate "Thanksgiving". I guess my family's friends do, because for the next five days, I was fed turkey from morning till night. That was when my nightmares started, ha!! Ha!!
I never understood white meat, and I will never understand white meat!! It is so dry!! Maybe if I soak it in gravy for half an hour, it might be soft enough to swallow. Dark meat is o.k., but turkey is really not one of my top 2000 food that I have to eat before I die choices.
My family do celebrate "Thanksgiving" now, just like any other meal that we have, we give thanks for the food on our table, just no turkey.

My day on the set of "Endgame" was full of excitement!! There were semiautomatics going off, car flying over a ramp and flipping over, and the car exploding with 5 feet high flames. It is their third episode, and they must have a hack of a budget for all the stunts they are doing.

When I was on set, I received three calls from friends telling me they saw me on the preview for next week "Fringe", so go check it out!! I think the preview is called "Speech from Walter"!!

Here is a happy "Thanksgiving" picture for everyone, ha!! Ha!! What show am I on?

                                     "Mom, I got the turkeys!!" 

  Happy "Thanksgiving", and no turkey for me please!!!!!     

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day Off

Tomorrow I am working on a new TV series call "Endgame", so I have to go to bed now. Call time is 6:42AM, so I have to get up at 5AM!! Good night and good day to everyone, and here is a picture just for Elephant girl.

Plastic heaven

I went to bed around 6AM this morning, because I just couldn't stop myself from starting this Blog. Therefore it was no surprise that I open my eyes a little pass 11:30.
Crawl out of bed, wrote some more on "Save balding Asian guy", "Facebook", "Twitter", and "Bag of Wonder", which is what i do these days. I started "Twitter" two days ago, and I don't like it!! "Twitter" doesn't give me a chance to write more than two sentences, and who are all those people?? Why do I want to tell them I am going to take a dump? Why do i care what they do?
Oh well, I guess I am just too old for "Twitter", because now a days, it seems kids text and write in a different language. Most of the time there are not enough letters in my daughter's text to make up even one word!! Soon, kids will petition for the alphabet to be shorten from 26 letters to 15, because we apparently don't use the other 11 letters.
Time flies when you are having a good time, because when I look up at the clock, it was 2:30!!! I had to eat and go pick up my daughter from school.
Walked across the street to the big M for a bite, but changed my mind and went to the Donair place instead.

"Beef please"
"For here or to go?"
"Here, please."
"$6.89, thank you"
"Oh, I don't need a plastic BAG! Let's save a plastic tree!"
"We use about one thousand BAGs a day, we don't care!!"
"I care!!!!!!"

I am no saint, I am no environmentalist, but I care!! If all the people that eat in don't take a BAG, wouldn't that help the world? I was not going to stand there and argue with him over a BAG, but I insisted on not taking the BAG!! I did my good deed of the day, and plastic heaven have to wait 5 more second for the next BAG.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I am a background performer on "Stargate Universe", my character's name is "Dr. Vince Kwan" and my nickname is B.A.G. or the "Balding Asian Guy". After 12 years in the film business, I got my break back in August, 2010, when on Gateworld a Stargate fan website, a thread got started to "Save Balding Asian Guy". Nobody knew my name back then, because I was only a background performer! Due to this campaign, I became the first background performer in the history of the Stargate franchise to be given a character on the show. Thus, Dr. Vince Kwan was born!!! On Sept. 4th, 2010, Joseph Mallozzi, the producer of "Stargate Universe", had little old me on his Blog for a Q&A, and B.A.G. was immortalize. Google "Stargate balding Asian guy" to find out more about me, because you want to, you need to, and you have to!!!