Saturday, October 9, 2010

No turkey for me please!!!!!!!!!

It is that time of the year again, "Thanksgiving"!! It is when my seasonal recurring nightmare starts!!
When I was 13 years old, my whole family went to San Francisco for five days, and guess what, it was "Thanksgiving" weekend. I am Chinese, new to Canada, so my family don't really celebrate "Thanksgiving". I guess my family's friends do, because for the next five days, I was fed turkey from morning till night. That was when my nightmares started, ha!! Ha!!
I never understood white meat, and I will never understand white meat!! It is so dry!! Maybe if I soak it in gravy for half an hour, it might be soft enough to swallow. Dark meat is o.k., but turkey is really not one of my top 2000 food that I have to eat before I die choices.
My family do celebrate "Thanksgiving" now, just like any other meal that we have, we give thanks for the food on our table, just no turkey.

My day on the set of "Endgame" was full of excitement!! There were semiautomatics going off, car flying over a ramp and flipping over, and the car exploding with 5 feet high flames. It is their third episode, and they must have a hack of a budget for all the stunts they are doing.

When I was on set, I received three calls from friends telling me they saw me on the preview for next week "Fringe", so go check it out!! I think the preview is called "Speech from Walter"!!

Here is a happy "Thanksgiving" picture for everyone, ha!! Ha!! What show am I on?

                                     "Mom, I got the turkeys!!" 

  Happy "Thanksgiving", and no turkey for me please!!!!!     


  1. I think all turkeys love you and grateful that you don't want them, hehe! Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    Was it the movie 'Hercules'?

  2. Happy thanksgiving to you too!! No, it is not "Hercules", good try!! The main character is in both of these series, try again!!

  3. You're so lucky, your wife doesn't give you the bird....haha Happy Thanksgiving!!

  4. Welcome iceman182!! My wife gives me the bird all the time, but after 30 years together, her bird just hits a brick wall. Take care and hope to hear from you again!!
