Monday, October 11, 2010

The Art of Giving Thanks

It's Thanksgiving, what should I write about?? Well, it got to be something happy, definitely I am not going to write about turkeys!!

I think I am going to talk about the Art of Giving Thanks. At most Thanksgiving table, people are giving thanks to God for the food that is on the table, and for the food they are about to receive.  That is good, because at least they are thanking somebody, before they tear into that defenseless turkey.

I always thought the farmers, the grocers, the butchers, the cashiers, the gas attendants, the police, ...... and most of all mom and dad should get some credit for the food being on the table, don't you?? I know God created food for us, but there are a lot of middlemen in between creation and the table. Who pay for the food? Who drove the food home? Who cleaned, cut, chopped, peeled, .... and cooked the food? Who set the table and served the food?

Therefore, next time any thanks are given, a small thanks to all the middlemen, like mom and dad would be nice.

For you kids out there, or maybe some adults!! Giving thanks or simply saying "thank you" is not enough. Just saying "thank you" without feelings behind the words, is like giving a tie to your dad as a birthday present every year. Both the "thank you " and the tie are meaningless, because if it is not from the heart, it is only a gesture. Doing, saying, and giving with meaning, feeling and heart is the true Art of Giving Thanks!!

I like to give thanks to Korean, Chinese, and Japanese cooperation on the set of, "The L Word", and I mean it from the bottom of my heart!!

 Happy Thanksgiving!!! 

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